
I once heard a teacher say that the Energy Parami and Effort are the same. Would you agree? Also can you suggest ways to work with the Energy Parami to make it grow?


I wouldn't say they are totally the same. That's my opinion anyway. Energy is something that is dynamic. Effort, there is a certain amount of bringing it forth. Energy Parami is where Right Effort comes in to develop energy, because there are ways we put forth some efforts to develop energy, and this is where I think there is a little bit of difference here. With Right Effort we can develop more energy. This has to do actually with the Wisdom Parami as well, knowing ways to bring forth energy in ourselves, skillful ways to bring forth energy, and that is making Right Effort. So I believe they are a little bit different, but they are very close. With Right Effort and wisdom, we can develop more energy, with skillful reflections. Energy comes from confidence, so if we want to develop more energy, it is very helpful to develop more confidence. And there are various reflections to develop more confidence. Reflection on the Buddha, the Dhamma, the Sangha, helps to develop more energy. Reflection on death helps to develop more energy. But effort is actually understanding that we need to bring forth these things and applying skillful ways of doing it. So I would see them a little bit different. But we do need energy to maintain, so developing the Energy Parami is quite important, and knowing ways of bringing forth energy is quite important. Confidence inspiring objects, reflection on death, reflection on Dukkha, all help.

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