Maybe. It'd be hard for me to know if I haven't met the person personally and been able to talk with them. I have heard some stories about near death experiences, but this term "near death", I'm not so sure it should be used this way, because let's face it, the person didn't die. Because they didn't actually die, is it right to say that they were near death? I'm not sure. They had an experience, maybe the heart stopped, maybe they went unconscious for an amount of time, but they actually came back to life ("came back", as if they had died). The fact is, they didn't die, so I have a difficult time using that concept of "near death experience". It was an experience in which the physical body almost died. And maybe it didn't feel good. The mind for some people sees blackness, sees tunnels, sees lights, sees this, sees that. It was an experience. But then again, in concentration phenomena for some meditators, they can have similar experiences. And their body is not sick, their body is not near death, but a similar experience might come for them. So in that way, to use the expression "near death", I don't do that.
I can assume that if a person actually believes though, that they almost died, and that they got saved, now that as a concept in their mind, can be something very valuable for people. They believe they have a second chance. Someone like this person, "multiple near death experiences starting at age five". Multiple: two, three, whatever it's been. Another chance to live, another chance to live. That's a concept that they're going to bring into their life hopefully, and in that way, maybe it will move them towards doing something really good in their life. Because there is no question, when somebody has been doing a lot of unwise activities, and has a type of near death experience, it might shift their mind to think, "Well golly, if rebirth is true, and I had died that way, I might have gone to Hell or some other bad destination. Maybe I'd better do something really good now." That's one way to look at it.
We had one student here who had been knifed. Actually other people tried to assassinate him. He was knifed in his gut, I don't remember the whole story, whether he was in hospital a long time or whatever. His whole life changed after that episode. He started being more spiritual, he saw that what he was doing before wasn't so wise. So he did change from almost being killed. So we can assume that experiences of that type may indeed help people, if they're open to it, to move in a better direction.