I'll be brief here, because this could go for a couple of hours... There is Generosity, that is pretty clear, it is giving, it also is the opposite of being selfish, so generosity is giving. There is Morality, and there are different types of morality. There is socially acceptable morality, but we are going to go deeper than what is socially accepted and go to a more pure morality, which is basically compassion. We don't want to harm other beings through our actions and speech. So that is morality. Renunciation is giving up things. But renunciation is an interesting one. Some people think it is just renouncing material possessions as monks and nuns do, because they are living a very simple life with less clothing and so on, but renunciation also includes renouncing our anger, our greed, our fears, so it includes mental states, too. There is Wisdom, that is very clear. The wisdom in particular that we really want to get is of course the Four Noble Truths, the Law of Kamma, the Law of Cause and Effect, conditionality, etc. These are the main things that are the deeper wisdom aspects. Then there is Energy, without energy you can't do anything, it is very simple, you need energy in this practice. If you slide into sloth and torpor all the time, what happens? Probably all of you kind of know what happens, you go nowhere, often you go backwards. So we need energy. Then there is Patience, that is very clear, to be patient. I'm going to skip here the order, because we all need Equanimity, that is the 10th one. Equanimity and patience are very similar but equanimity has a lot of wisdom to it.
When we are equanimous we are not liking, liking, liking, we are not hating, hating, hating, because we have wisdom. So equanimity has that factor. It looks a bit like patience because we are not that involved, but patience can be just determined waiting, "I'm going to wait, I am going to be patient and wait." And it can happen with really very little wisdom to it. So there is the difference. If we can't get the wisdom of equanimity and be very equanimous, patience is just being very patient knowing we are going to wait - it is still a very good quality, but it is slightly different.
Ok, next in order after patience is Truthfulness. Truthfulness has two levels, one is very clear, the truthfulness of our speech. Trying to maintain a speech that does not use lying for selfish means. But truthfulness is much deeper than just our speech, and it is being truthful to our direction. Which means first all of you need to have a direction. You can't be truthful to something you don't have. So the direction that we are looking for in this practice, that Rosemary and I are hoping to encourage in each one of you, is to develop into a human being who is good, kind, wise, compassionate, peaceful, loving and so on. If that is your direction then being truthful to that direction means that you want to maintain that direction and develop it. That you want to keep doing your meditation, you want to keep doing retreats, you want to talk to your teachers, and so on in order to develop as a good, kind person, so to be truthful to your direction. Then there is Resolution or determination, it is like "New Year's resolutions", you all probably know about them, let us each think about something good we can do with our lives. January 1st, let us start off the year in a much better way. That is fine, some people will keep to their resolutions, but the majority probably won't. Can we make a resolution and keep to it? That is very important, it is a very important part of the practice, it helps with the truthfulness, they get connected. In fact all of the Ten Paramis overlap at times, but making a determination, a resolution towards something, bringing forth the energy to do it, being truthful to it and so on out of compassion to yourself, you can see how they overlap. So we have resolution. And then the 9th one is Compassion/Lovingkindness, which you are all very clear on by now.