Steve & Rosemary are happy to offer a longer retreat to enable approved old students more time to devote to the intensive practice. A longer retreat helps old students strengthen and deepen their practice.
The 18 day retreat is actually back-to-back retreats in which accepted old students can do the full 18 days, do the first 9 days or join for the second 9 days. The first 9 days will be the regular retreat, in which both new and old students can join, and starting on Day 10 evening will be an Old Students' retreat.
The first 9 days help old students to refresh and increase their understanding of the basic retreat techniques introduced in the regular 9 day retreat. Without interrupting the strengthened mindfulness and compassionate understanding developed in the first 9 days, those who have the opportunity to do the full 18 days are able to understand the new instruction with increased clarity and openness.
We have two types of old students' retreats: 1) The Brahma Viharas retreat and 2) The Wise Reflections retreat.
The Brahma Viharas retreat is devoted to the development of the unselfish emotions of Compassion, Lovingkindness, Sympathetic Joy and Equanimity.
The Wise Reflections retreat focus is more broad, giving many new guided meditations of how to do Wise Reflection meditation, including some Compassion Lovingkindness meditations.
Both retreats give old students more options for recharging their practice and taking them further on their inner direction in life. Emphasis is placed on the development of Right Understanding and Right Intention as the guiding intelligence that directs one's life and practice. The deepening of Insight is aided by more advanced techniques and teachings; in particular correcting our wrong views and developing our inner Wisdom by Yonisomanasikara or Wise Reflection meditations.
Check the retreat schedule for the next 18 day retreat.